The Organization
The Open Web Foundation is made up of individuals and sponsoring companies who believe that the open web is built on technologies that are created in the open by a diversity of contributors, and which free to be used and improved upon without restriction. The Foundation is working towards creating a home for community-driven specifications. Following the open source model similar to the Apache Software Foundation, the Foundation is aimed at building a lightweight framework to help communities deal with the legal requirements necessary to create successful and widely adopted specification.
Mailing Lists
The Foundation maintains a series of open mailing lists and we encourage you to join them if you're interested in getting involved and contributing. (All mailing lists will moderate your first post as a way to reduce spam.)
Open Web Discuss - Our "general" list which generally focuses on the overall organization
Open Web Advocacy - How can we advocate for the open web and provide better resources for those looking to support the technologies behind it?
Open Web Legal - Our Legal Committee uses this group to collaboratively draft our specification license
Open Web Infrastructure - Our Infrastructure Committee uses this group to keep the site up and running
Open Web Board - A public list used for discussions surrounding the Board of the Foundation
The Open Web Foundation has nearly one-hundred individual members and membership is free. If you're interested in becoming a member, see [should write something about membership to link to]. Membership in the Foundation is not required to participate in any of the Committees or other work that is going on.
The current members of the Foundation include:
Allen Tom
Andreas Creten
Andrew Turner
Angus Logan
Anthony Broad-Crawford
Axel Nennker
Ben Laurie
Ben Lee
Ben Metcalfe
Ben Smith
Ben Ward
Ben Werdmuller
Blaine Cook
Brad Neuberg
Brady Brim-DeForest
Brady Forrest
Brett Slatkin
Brian Behlendorf
Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian McCallister
Chris Chabot
Chris Messina
Chris Wilson
Christian Crumlish
Dan Brickley
Dan Morrill
Dan Peterson
Danese Cooper
Daniel Walmsley
Dare Obasanjo
David Recordon
David Rudin
David Storey
DeWitt Clinton
Dirk Olbertz
Douglas Crockford
Edd Dumbill
Franco Iacomella
Gabriel Wachob
Glenn Jones
Gregg Kellogg
Gurkan Erdogdu
Hamish Campbell
Hans Granqvist
Harry Halpin
Ian Lawrence
James Tauber
James Walker
Jeremiah Cohick
Joe Gregorio
John Adams
John Allsopp
John Kemp
John McCrea
John Panzer
Joseph Smarr
Jyri Engestrom
Karl Dubost
Kevin Marks
Lane LiaBraaten
Lars Hilse
Lawrence Rosen
Leah Culver
Leisa Fearing
Lindsey Simon
Luke Shepard
Marco Ripanti
Mark Laymon
Michael Malone
Milan Stankovic
Mohd Shukri ismail
Monica Keller
Mushon Zer-Aviv
Nat Sakimura
Nate Benes
Nathan Angell
Nnenna Nwakanma
Oshani Seneviratne
Ozgur Cem Sen
Patrick Chanezon
Peter Keane
Peter Mika
Peter Saint-Andre
Puneet Kishor
Rob Dolin
Rohit Khare
Roy T. Fielding
Sam Pullara
Scott Kveton
Scott Wilson
Seth Fitzsimmons
Sridhar Gutam
Stephan Wenger
Steve Repetti
Sylvain Carle
Tantek Çelik
Terrell Russell
Thomas Huhn
Tim Burks
Tim Schulz
Tom Brown
Vid Ayer
Will Norris
Every year the Membership elects a Board of Directors to oversee the mechanics of running the Foundation. The most recent election was held in August of 2008. The current Board is:
Brady Brim-DeForest
Chris Messina
David Recordon
David Rudin
DeWitt Clinton
Gabe Wachob
Lawrence Rosen
Tantek Çelik
Past Directors include:
Ben Laurie
Scott Kveton
Eran Hammer-Lahav
The Foundation maintains a copy of our records online which are managed by the Board's secretary.