Board Voting Record
1) Election of Dave Rudin as Director (April 1, 2009)
Defacto Chair Eran Hammer-Lahav made a motion to elect David Rudin to the open board seat. A mailing-list roll call vote was conducted of the 7 voting board members, and the vote determined unanimously that David Rudin be elected as a Director of the Board.
Mover - Eran Hammer-Lahav Second - DeWitt Clinton Motion - Elect David Rudin as Director of the Board Result - Unanimously approved
2) Establishment of Elections Committee (April 20, 2009)
Defacto Chair Eran Hammer-Lahav made a motion to establish an Elections Committee to preside over election of the Open Web Foundation's inaugural membership as per Article IV, Section 1 of the OWF Bylaws. A mailing-list roll call vote was conducted of the 8 voting board members, and the vote determined unanimously that Elections Committee be established.
Mover - Eran Hammer-Lahav Second - Gabe Wachob Motion - To establish an Elections Committee Result - Unanimously approved